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Breast Asymmetry Surgery for a Better Self-Esteem

Breast Asymmetry Surgery for a Better Self-Esteem

Having full breasts is one of the physical attributes that women are often conscious about. In order for them to say that they are still young and sexy, full and plump breasts are often one's barometer. While some women are blessed with big, full breasts, others have been feeling inferior because they are not satisfied with their size. There even are people who suffer from some breast disorders and one of the most common is the breast asymmetry disorder.
Breast asymmetry is a disorder where one breast is significantly smaller or larger than the other. There are various factors that can lead to uneven breast sizes. This disorder is usually treated by doctors through a surgery.
It is normal for a woman to not have breasts with perfect symmetry but the differences between the breasts are usually not that obvious. Aside from that, the size difference do not normally affect the quality of the woman's life. And as if small breasts are not enough to give inferiority issues for women, breasts that actually have noticeable differences in either shape or size adds up to the woman's self esteem problem.
Breast asymmetry is caused by different factors. Some get it from prior operations or faulty cosmetic procedures while others are due to unevenly placed breast implants. There are also natural instances, such as growth during puberty and/or fluctuations in terms of one's weight as well as pregnancy and nursing, that can cause differences in breast size.
The causes of breast asymmetry do not only lie on natural and surgical instances. There are also medical conditions that can cause this disorder. For example, the Poland's syndrome is a condition that usually appears during a girl's teenage years. This involves the absence of breast development in just one side of the body and the lack of pectoral muscles. It can also be noted that girls who have this syndrome experience an absence of the areola or the nipple. Other conditions could also include scleroderma which is an autoimmune connective tissue disease, and scoliosis or described as the curving of the spine.
Cosmetic surgeons treat breast asymmetry by enlarging the breast and/or reducing the other in order for the two sides to reach a good proportion. From the name itself, the breast reduction surgery aims to reduce the size of the larger breast and it takes about 2-4 hours. The doctors make sure that the patient is under anesthesia while doing the surgery. Surgeons make an anchor-shaped incision on the lower part of the breast to remove the excess breast tissue. Breast enlargement surgery, however, enlarges the size of the breast that is smaller and takes less than 2 hours. The surgeon makes an incision below the breast, underarm, or at the nipple and inserts an implant and aligns it as close as possible to the size of the other.
Breast asymmetry surgery does not promise perfection but it can indeed increase one's satisfaction with her own body as well as her self-esteem. This will surely be of help in improving the quality of one's life.
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Essential Oils for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Essential Oils for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Regardless of how much sleep you get at night, you may still be plagued by dark under eye circles. Research has shown that there are a number of reasons why people have bags or circle under their eyes and sleep is not always the main contributor. The good news is that you do not have to live with these under eye flaws, and you can take non-surgical steps to fix them or make them less noticeable.
Where Did They Come From?
Although the lack of sleep is not the only reason you have dark circles under your eyes, it can certainly be a factor. However, dark circles can also be an indicator of allergies, sinus infections, or they can even appear due to a recent cold. The reason for this is that the thin skin under your eye becomes puffy and irritated easily. Too much salt in your dinner or a good crying jag in the evening will also lead to tell tale signs on your face the next day. Keep in mind that if your eye circles or bags appear suddenly, you should see a doctor to confirm they are not an indicator of any other health issue.
Make sure you are getting enough sleep and eliminate any of the other outside factors that can contribute to dark under eye circles. After ruling out any health or sleep problems, these proven methods of treatment can help you minimize and eliminate dark circles and bags.
Makeup - People have had limited success covering the circles. If you can match your skin tone exactly and apply it without a heavy hand, covering the circles could work. However, it is difficult to find a natural cover up, and bags are not covered as easily as dark circles.
Eyelasticity - Eyelasticity Age-Defying Eye Therapy has a proven track record for the reduction of dark circles and eye bags along with a number of other cosmetic issues around they eyes. Using a combination of a Botox alternative and a natural collagen booster, this product has had a high level of success in lab tests. A bottle only lasts 30 days, but it should be enough time for you to see results and determine if you are part of the 70 percent majority that can benefit from applying this product.
Surgery - Blepharoplasty is the surgery that doctors can perform to reposition the fat around the eye and reduce the appearance of dark circles and bags. Speak with your doctor if you are interested in learning more about this option. offers information regarding under eye circles. For more on skin products, please visit us at
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