The Courage To Speak The Truth
By Esther R. Kane
The inspiration for this article came to me after I watched a video of a speech Marianne Williamson gave on Feb 17th, 2005, at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. Some anonymous blessed soul e-mailed me the link and I thank you whomever you are.
Ms. Williamson is one of my favourite phenomenal women, and I own a copy of nearly every recorded talk she's given and listen to them regularly. But my Goddess, this particular speech, given to hundreds of women in a very important spiritual landmark in the USA, absolutely blew me out of the water and is definitely of the "goosebump" variety. The only thing I can compare it to in terms of electrifying intensity and deep resonance is the feeling I get when I listen to Aretha Franklin's live recording of "Amazing Grace". I get shivers up and down my spine and goosebumps everywhere.
I aspire to be a "queen" someday like Marianne and Aretha and Bette Midler (to name just a few). But alas, I am still struggling to break free of the "princess/martyr" dress that was designed for me when I was very little. Unfortunately, it is very tight now and hard to wriggle out of, but it is becoming looser as I continue to grow into the woman I was meant to be. And what exactly is it that I want to be someday? What is it that these "diva" or "queen" women have that I haven't yet fully developed? It can be summed up in two words:
You see, the difference between the divas/queens in question and myself is that they have given up the terrible habit of second-guessing themselves all the time and "shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around them" (a fabulous line from a famous Marianne Williamson poem). To put it simply, THEY OWN THEIR POWER AND USE IT TO MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE.
What separates the princesses from the queens? I would say it's one thing and one thing only: GUTS. Being a queen and speaking your truth take guts; otherwise known as COURAGE. It takes guts to speak your mind when others disagree and will try to knock you down. It takes courage to protect yourself and your children from harm by saying "NO" when you are threatened with financial ruin, abandonment, and loss of approval from others.
I have a theory and I'm sure it's not unique. However, many of my clients find it helpful. Here it is: women get stronger, more resilient, and wiser with age and as they do, old fears begin to melt away and they find their true voice and stop pretending to be the "perfect" wife, daughter, mother, sibling, friend, etc. that they thought they had to be. In other words, they no longer care so much about what others think about them. To me, this sounds like Nirvana indeed!
I find this especially true of women going through menopause. I am blessed to have many of these fabulous women as clients and they teach me so much. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a menopausal client tell me that they've come to a place in their lives where they've finally given up trying to be 'liked' by everybody and that basically, those around them can ' like it or lump it" (i.e., the new woman they've become).
I tell you, I cannot wait for that day! I'm sick and tired of caring so much about what others think about me or how they see me. Granted, hot flashes don't sound so great, nor does lying in bed every night unable to sleep staring blankly at the ceiling, but the sense of coming into one's own so profoundly sure does.
And at the age of 36, I am well aware that menopause may be a long way off. So in the meantime, I am doing my very best to become more courageous by giving words to my convictions more and more. I do this in baby steps but am so proud of myself when I succeed. I also encourage my clients to do the same and they too, are experiencing more confidence and pluck as a result.
A recent example is of a very-pregnant woman who wanted to have her baby with just her husband and midwife and doctor there whose family insisted on showing up to the impending birth. With some support and coaching, she was finally able to tell these family members that this arrangement "wasn't going to work" for her and her husband and prevented a catastrophe from happening. Even though they didn't like it, they are honouring what she has asked for. She is feeling a lot calmer and in control as a result.
I'd like to leave you with some tips to help you access your inner "lioness" and muster up the courage to speak your truth...
Esther's Top Five "Moving From Princess to Queen" Tips:
1. Try pretending you don't care what others think of you or say about you behind your back- your brain doesn't know the difference. In other words, "fake it 'til you make it".
2. Write some courage-building affirmations on an index card and practise saying them twice a day- upon awakening in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. One example might be, "Every day, I am becoming stronger in my convictions and able to readily speak my truth, regardless of the outcome."
3. Surround yourself with courageous women who have walked the same path and come out the other side (hint: women who have gone through menopause can be great role models).
4. Take a stand and speak your truth even if it scares the $%@& out of you. Start off small with people who don't totally intimidate you and work your way up from there.
5. Lastly, give yourself a pat on the back when you follow through with acts of courage and tell yourself you're on the right path; that this is only the beginning of greater things to come.
Esther Kane, MSW, Registered Clinical Counsellor, is the author of "Dump That Chump: A Ten-Step Plan for Ending Bad Relationships and Attracting the Fabulous Partner You Deserve (, and "What Your Mama Can't or Won't Teach You: Grown Women's Stories of Their Teen Years ( Sign up for her free monthly e-zine, Women's Community Counsellor, to uplift and inspire women at:
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Night Safety For Women - 9 Tips For Women To Be Safe At Night
Night Safety For Women - 9 Tips For Women To Be Safe At Night
By Syd Hs
Women are very vulnerable to violence and crimes specially at night. Even with the world advancing so much, women are still not safe on the streets even in the most developed of nations. This is evident from the huge amount of crimes against women even in countries like USA, UK and other developed nations.
Here are a few tips to help a woman if she has to travel to some place late in the evenings or night:
1. The best things to do for women is to always try and have some company when you are traveling at night. As much as possible avoid venturing out at night by yourself.
2. While traveling in the evenings, aim for well trafficked streets and roads. Try to avoid as much as possible those streets which tend to be deserted or have few travelers.
3. Avoid wearing jewelery when you are out at night. Even fake jewelery might attract chain snatchers.
4. Be extra careful while boarding or getting down a bus, train or while riding on an escalator as pickpockets might usually strike at such times.
5. While walking on sidewalks, keep your handbags and other valuables away from the street sides.
6. If you have to ask for directions, it is better to approach families or women.
7. As soon as you get into your car after you come from shopping, eating or from your office, lock the doors. Don't delay doing this.
8. The elbow seems to be the strongest part of your body. keep this in mind if you ever need to use it and have the opportunity to do so.
9. Don't put off things for evenings and night which you can do during broad daylight like going to the laundry to get your clothes etc. Many women may say that its usually quieter and more peaceful in the evenings, but safety should be the first priority in such cases.
10. It can help if women learn a few self defense tips and techniques just to be on the safer side - woman self defense
The above safety tips for women at night are definitely not sufficient and 100% foolproof. But they do offer some guidelines of night safety for women.
The author of this article writes a blog where he posts simple tips and advice to improve our lives. The blog is titled 'Powerful Living'. Check it out - self improvement advice
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By Syd Hs
Women are very vulnerable to violence and crimes specially at night. Even with the world advancing so much, women are still not safe on the streets even in the most developed of nations. This is evident from the huge amount of crimes against women even in countries like USA, UK and other developed nations.
Here are a few tips to help a woman if she has to travel to some place late in the evenings or night:
1. The best things to do for women is to always try and have some company when you are traveling at night. As much as possible avoid venturing out at night by yourself.
2. While traveling in the evenings, aim for well trafficked streets and roads. Try to avoid as much as possible those streets which tend to be deserted or have few travelers.
3. Avoid wearing jewelery when you are out at night. Even fake jewelery might attract chain snatchers.
4. Be extra careful while boarding or getting down a bus, train or while riding on an escalator as pickpockets might usually strike at such times.
5. While walking on sidewalks, keep your handbags and other valuables away from the street sides.
6. If you have to ask for directions, it is better to approach families or women.
7. As soon as you get into your car after you come from shopping, eating or from your office, lock the doors. Don't delay doing this.
8. The elbow seems to be the strongest part of your body. keep this in mind if you ever need to use it and have the opportunity to do so.
9. Don't put off things for evenings and night which you can do during broad daylight like going to the laundry to get your clothes etc. Many women may say that its usually quieter and more peaceful in the evenings, but safety should be the first priority in such cases.
10. It can help if women learn a few self defense tips and techniques just to be on the safer side - woman self defense
The above safety tips for women at night are definitely not sufficient and 100% foolproof. But they do offer some guidelines of night safety for women.
The author of this article writes a blog where he posts simple tips and advice to improve our lives. The blog is titled 'Powerful Living'. Check it out - self improvement advice
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How To Pick Jewelry That Fits Your Physical Style
How To Pick Jewelry That Fits Your Physical Style
By Amy Ressa
The "average" body type woman normally is between 5'4" to 5'7" tall. A woman with this body type has the ability to wear a variety of necklace lengths. They are only limited to certain lengths if they carry extra weight or are large busted. To prevent accentuating their figure, stay clear of necklaces that find their resting place in this location.
You will find if you fit into this category bracelets that have more substance and are bulkier look best. Wider pieces are better in this circumstance. The thinner bracelets just do not make the same fashion statement on a larger body type, as they do on a petite frame.
As for the earring selection, there is no limit on the style or design when you are considering the body type. This actually depends more on the shape of the person's face instead of their body type. In addition to the shape of the face their hairstyle should be a factor also. Geometric shapes are highly recommended for this shape.
In the last article I discussed the oval shaped face. This time I am going to move on to the "round face" type. This shape will have more surface space by the ears. It is round at the cheeks. The goal when choosing your jewelry pieces is to make your face appear slim. In order to do this you will need to select a longer necklace. It is preferable to wear one that is from 28" to 32" in length. The woman with round shaped face can wear a variety of earrings. The geometric shapes such as round, oblong, rectangles, and squares will look great. She can also sport dangling earrings and look just as nice.
The person who fits in this category should try to lengthen their face by parting their hair in the middle, if worn below the chin. If the hair is worn above that mark, then parting the hair to the side would break up the shape. Avoid wearing bangs unless they are wispy or messy. The plain straight bangs will only appear to shorten the face. You really do not want to do that.
Ladies, avoid shirts, jackets, sweaters, or other clothing pieces that are made in a circular fashion. This would include rounded necklines. Concentrate on adding more straight lines and angles to your wardrobe.
Happy Shopping!
My name is Amy and I am the owner of The Painted House and More. I am a jewelry maker who makes gemstone and crystal jewelry. Spice up any outfit with a beautiful necklace, earrings, bracelet, or pin. Your fashion needs to make a positive statement about you. Remember, that first appearances of memorable!
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By Amy Ressa
The "average" body type woman normally is between 5'4" to 5'7" tall. A woman with this body type has the ability to wear a variety of necklace lengths. They are only limited to certain lengths if they carry extra weight or are large busted. To prevent accentuating their figure, stay clear of necklaces that find their resting place in this location.
You will find if you fit into this category bracelets that have more substance and are bulkier look best. Wider pieces are better in this circumstance. The thinner bracelets just do not make the same fashion statement on a larger body type, as they do on a petite frame.
As for the earring selection, there is no limit on the style or design when you are considering the body type. This actually depends more on the shape of the person's face instead of their body type. In addition to the shape of the face their hairstyle should be a factor also. Geometric shapes are highly recommended for this shape.
In the last article I discussed the oval shaped face. This time I am going to move on to the "round face" type. This shape will have more surface space by the ears. It is round at the cheeks. The goal when choosing your jewelry pieces is to make your face appear slim. In order to do this you will need to select a longer necklace. It is preferable to wear one that is from 28" to 32" in length. The woman with round shaped face can wear a variety of earrings. The geometric shapes such as round, oblong, rectangles, and squares will look great. She can also sport dangling earrings and look just as nice.
The person who fits in this category should try to lengthen their face by parting their hair in the middle, if worn below the chin. If the hair is worn above that mark, then parting the hair to the side would break up the shape. Avoid wearing bangs unless they are wispy or messy. The plain straight bangs will only appear to shorten the face. You really do not want to do that.
Ladies, avoid shirts, jackets, sweaters, or other clothing pieces that are made in a circular fashion. This would include rounded necklines. Concentrate on adding more straight lines and angles to your wardrobe.
Happy Shopping!
My name is Amy and I am the owner of The Painted House and More. I am a jewelry maker who makes gemstone and crystal jewelry. Spice up any outfit with a beautiful necklace, earrings, bracelet, or pin. Your fashion needs to make a positive statement about you. Remember, that first appearances of memorable!
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Top 7 Things That a Woman Must Have in their Purse
Top 7 Things That a Woman Must Have in their Purse
By Kathy Summers
There are certain things that a woman must have in their bags or purse. We women can't go anywhere without those certain things. I, myself have a list of my must have in my bag.
1. Powder or Press Powder
This my first must have in my bag. I can't stand having an oily face so I always bring a powder. It makes me feel fresh every time I use a powder like fresh out of shower. Of course, if you bump into someone and you don't want them to see your oily face because it makes you look like you didn't have your bath.
2. Lipstick or Lip Gloss
I put this in my must have because I want to have luscious, kissable lips. I always have 3 shades of lipstick in my bag and a neutral lip gloss. In that way, I can match my lipstick with my mood or with the clothes I am wearing. I have a shade of an innocent look pink lipstick, a red flirty one, and another one for almost everyday use that is in between red and pink.
3. Liquid blusher or Blush-on
Liquid blusher that I could use both on my cheeks and on my lips, if I wanted to have a natural looking lips I'd use this. And I use the liquid blusher on my cheeks to have a natural looking blush, which I wear almost everyday. I only use the powdered blush-on just to enhance the liquid blusher if I go to parties or work.
4. Cologne or Perfume
Everyone wants to be fragrant, don't we? It boosts up my confidence if I smell good. I love a sweet, mild smell. When someone walks up to you or if you pass by someone at least you leave them with you're the scent of your perfume.
5. Wallet with money
Of course all of us need our wallets with us certainly with money. I always have my wallet with me because I have my ID's in my wallet. If I get lost or if I get into an accident at least they will have an idea who I am or who to contact in cases of emergencies. I keep an identity card in my wallet and persons to call in these cases. I also have my credit cards, automated machine cards, pictures of my family and my boyfriend, my identification cards, and of course MONEY.
6. Cellular Phone
Maybe this isn't a must have for other woman, but for me it is. I love having to call the people I love. I always make sure that I have contact with everyone, my friends, family, and my boyfriend. This is one way that I do tell show them that I love them and I miss them.
7. Mirror and Comb or Hair Brush
Nobody wants to look like a witch with their hair. You can't prevent a windy day you know. I like to brush my hair to keep it neat and clean looking, and yes you use a mirror to see if you look fine.
So that's it, do we have the same must haves?
Kathy Summers is a nurse in Washington. She loves to read books of almost about anything, but she enjoys reading more on health or medical stuff. For her, gaining more knowledge about our health is a good way to go. You can visit her site at
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By Kathy Summers
There are certain things that a woman must have in their bags or purse. We women can't go anywhere without those certain things. I, myself have a list of my must have in my bag.
1. Powder or Press Powder
This my first must have in my bag. I can't stand having an oily face so I always bring a powder. It makes me feel fresh every time I use a powder like fresh out of shower. Of course, if you bump into someone and you don't want them to see your oily face because it makes you look like you didn't have your bath.
2. Lipstick or Lip Gloss
I put this in my must have because I want to have luscious, kissable lips. I always have 3 shades of lipstick in my bag and a neutral lip gloss. In that way, I can match my lipstick with my mood or with the clothes I am wearing. I have a shade of an innocent look pink lipstick, a red flirty one, and another one for almost everyday use that is in between red and pink.
3. Liquid blusher or Blush-on
Liquid blusher that I could use both on my cheeks and on my lips, if I wanted to have a natural looking lips I'd use this. And I use the liquid blusher on my cheeks to have a natural looking blush, which I wear almost everyday. I only use the powdered blush-on just to enhance the liquid blusher if I go to parties or work.
4. Cologne or Perfume
Everyone wants to be fragrant, don't we? It boosts up my confidence if I smell good. I love a sweet, mild smell. When someone walks up to you or if you pass by someone at least you leave them with you're the scent of your perfume.
5. Wallet with money
Of course all of us need our wallets with us certainly with money. I always have my wallet with me because I have my ID's in my wallet. If I get lost or if I get into an accident at least they will have an idea who I am or who to contact in cases of emergencies. I keep an identity card in my wallet and persons to call in these cases. I also have my credit cards, automated machine cards, pictures of my family and my boyfriend, my identification cards, and of course MONEY.
6. Cellular Phone
Maybe this isn't a must have for other woman, but for me it is. I love having to call the people I love. I always make sure that I have contact with everyone, my friends, family, and my boyfriend. This is one way that I do tell show them that I love them and I miss them.
7. Mirror and Comb or Hair Brush
Nobody wants to look like a witch with their hair. You can't prevent a windy day you know. I like to brush my hair to keep it neat and clean looking, and yes you use a mirror to see if you look fine.
So that's it, do we have the same must haves?
Kathy Summers is a nurse in Washington. She loves to read books of almost about anything, but she enjoys reading more on health or medical stuff. For her, gaining more knowledge about our health is a good way to go. You can visit her site at
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Amazing Edible Masks For Your Face
Amazing Edible Masks For Your Face
By Ken Black
There are all types of skin care products currently on the market, most of which contain ingredients that can't even be pronounced. Chemicals, synthetic materials, and even oils are found in many face washes and masks on the market, which can be hazardous to your skin and even cause allergic reactions. They can get pretty pricey too, especially if you buy one that you end up throwing away because it doesn't work well with your skin type. Luckily, there still is a way to keep your skin looking great without having to worry about what you're using on your face.
Making your own natural skin care recipes is not only simple, but it can be so much fun. You can even use the leftovers for a snack while you relax, and let the natural ingredients go to work. You don't have to visit a specialty store or buy products online to make your own edible masks; you can actually find everything you need at your local grocery store. Fruits, vegetables, and even oatmeal can work wonders on your face, as long as they are used correctly and mixed with the right ingredients.
Cucumbers are a great way to reduce any puffiness you may have under your eyes, and you can eat them right after you use them if you life. Take two thin slices and place one on top of each eye, and leave for about five minutes. When done on a daily or weekly basis, your eyes will be looking great in no time.
Oatmeal is another food item that works wonders for the skin, and it can be used as a mask or a scrub. Strawberries, watermelon, honey, and even eggs make great masks, or you can add some salt or olive oil to turn them into exfoliating scrubs. The possibilities really are endless when it comes to using food on your face.
Honey is one of the best products to use on your face. Use a warm wash cloth over you face to open your pores, and then smear on the honey on your entire face. You can add some oatmeal if you have oily skin, since it works to soak up any extra moisture. Leave on your face for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, and apply a wash cloth with cold water to close your pores.
Raw eggs also make great face masks, and you can use either the yolk or the white. The yolks work best for dry skin, while the whites are better for oily or normal skin. Beat the portion of the egg you want to use, and apply to your face and neck. Leave on until it dries, and wash off with warm water. Your skin will feel smooth, tight, and flawless after using a raw egg mask.
Watermelon and strawberries are great for the skin, since they are both packed full of rich vitamins and nutrients. You can mash up some watermelon in a bowl, and make sure to remove any seeds. Adding strawberry juice to the mix if you have sensitive skin or sunburn, since it works to soothe and repair your skin. Apply the thick juice to your face, and leave on for about 30 minutes while the juices tighten your pores and cleanse your skin. Your skin will feel naturally smoother and tighter after your first application, and works just as well as facelift creams found in beauty stores.
Papaya works as a great ingredient in exfoliates, since it is packed full of vitamins and enzymes. You can mix the fruit with oatmeal and water, and your skin will be naturally smoother and blemish free after only a few applications. You can make a thicker paste formula and use it as a mask with the same ingredients, just by adding less water and juice to the oatmeal. Leave on until it dries, and wash off with warm water for the full effect.
Brown rice flour mixed with a small amount of lemon juice makes a wonderful mask as well, and works great for those with extra oil on their skin. Mix about 2 tablespoons of the flour with a small amount of lemon juice into a paste, but make sure you include some of the pulp in the mix. Leave on for about 15 minutes or until it is dry, and your skin will be tighter, smoother, and free of excess oil.
Many of the food items that are healthy to eat are also healthy for our skin. Fruits, vegetables, and many other ingredients give our skin the rich vitamins and nutrients it needs to look healthy, and it doesn't cost a lot either. Next time you are at the store and need to buy facial products, head for the food section rather than the face wash isle.
Ken Black is a writer and owner of the Skin Care Reviews website. Visit this exciting site for more information on natural skin care recipes.
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By Ken Black
There are all types of skin care products currently on the market, most of which contain ingredients that can't even be pronounced. Chemicals, synthetic materials, and even oils are found in many face washes and masks on the market, which can be hazardous to your skin and even cause allergic reactions. They can get pretty pricey too, especially if you buy one that you end up throwing away because it doesn't work well with your skin type. Luckily, there still is a way to keep your skin looking great without having to worry about what you're using on your face.
Making your own natural skin care recipes is not only simple, but it can be so much fun. You can even use the leftovers for a snack while you relax, and let the natural ingredients go to work. You don't have to visit a specialty store or buy products online to make your own edible masks; you can actually find everything you need at your local grocery store. Fruits, vegetables, and even oatmeal can work wonders on your face, as long as they are used correctly and mixed with the right ingredients.
Cucumbers are a great way to reduce any puffiness you may have under your eyes, and you can eat them right after you use them if you life. Take two thin slices and place one on top of each eye, and leave for about five minutes. When done on a daily or weekly basis, your eyes will be looking great in no time.
Oatmeal is another food item that works wonders for the skin, and it can be used as a mask or a scrub. Strawberries, watermelon, honey, and even eggs make great masks, or you can add some salt or olive oil to turn them into exfoliating scrubs. The possibilities really are endless when it comes to using food on your face.
Honey is one of the best products to use on your face. Use a warm wash cloth over you face to open your pores, and then smear on the honey on your entire face. You can add some oatmeal if you have oily skin, since it works to soak up any extra moisture. Leave on your face for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, and apply a wash cloth with cold water to close your pores.
Raw eggs also make great face masks, and you can use either the yolk or the white. The yolks work best for dry skin, while the whites are better for oily or normal skin. Beat the portion of the egg you want to use, and apply to your face and neck. Leave on until it dries, and wash off with warm water. Your skin will feel smooth, tight, and flawless after using a raw egg mask.
Watermelon and strawberries are great for the skin, since they are both packed full of rich vitamins and nutrients. You can mash up some watermelon in a bowl, and make sure to remove any seeds. Adding strawberry juice to the mix if you have sensitive skin or sunburn, since it works to soothe and repair your skin. Apply the thick juice to your face, and leave on for about 30 minutes while the juices tighten your pores and cleanse your skin. Your skin will feel naturally smoother and tighter after your first application, and works just as well as facelift creams found in beauty stores.
Papaya works as a great ingredient in exfoliates, since it is packed full of vitamins and enzymes. You can mix the fruit with oatmeal and water, and your skin will be naturally smoother and blemish free after only a few applications. You can make a thicker paste formula and use it as a mask with the same ingredients, just by adding less water and juice to the oatmeal. Leave on until it dries, and wash off with warm water for the full effect.
Brown rice flour mixed with a small amount of lemon juice makes a wonderful mask as well, and works great for those with extra oil on their skin. Mix about 2 tablespoons of the flour with a small amount of lemon juice into a paste, but make sure you include some of the pulp in the mix. Leave on for about 15 minutes or until it is dry, and your skin will be tighter, smoother, and free of excess oil.
Many of the food items that are healthy to eat are also healthy for our skin. Fruits, vegetables, and many other ingredients give our skin the rich vitamins and nutrients it needs to look healthy, and it doesn't cost a lot either. Next time you are at the store and need to buy facial products, head for the food section rather than the face wash isle.
Ken Black is a writer and owner of the Skin Care Reviews website. Visit this exciting site for more information on natural skin care recipes.
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Better than Beauty: A Guide to Charm

Better than Beauty: A Guide to Charm
By H Valentine, A Thompson
Product Description
Chronicle Books resuscitates the long-lost art of charm with this classic compendium of hints, tips, and tricks guaranteed to boost anyone s charm quotient. First published in 1938, this delightful handbook is overflowing with timeless advice to guide readers through a maze of social interactions with wit and grace. More than an etiquette or personal grooming book, Better than Beauty tackles complicated social situations with delicacy: How to be kind to atrocious people How to avoid the gossip mill How many drinks is too many drinks How to deflect unwanted advances from married men How much to tip And much, much more With good humor, authors Helen Valentine and Alice Thompson offer straightforward charm counsel, making it a cinch to win the admiration of friends, family, and suitors. Featuring original artwork, Better than Beauty proves that charm never, ever goes out of style.
Product Details
Published on: 2002-03-01
Number of items: 1
Binding: Paperback
176 pages
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Other People's Love Letters: 150 Letters You Were Never Meant to See

Other People's Love Letters: 150 Letters You Were Never Meant to See
By Bill Shapiro
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Product Description
Fevered notes scribbled on napkins after first dates. Titillating text messages. It's-not-you-it's-me relationship-enders. In Other People’s Love Letters, Bill Shapiro has searched America’s attics, closets, and cigar boxes and found actual letters–unflinchingly honest missives full of lust, provocation, guilt, and vulnerability–written only for a lover’s eyes. Modern love, of course, is not all bliss, and in these pages you’ll find the full range of a relationship, with its whispered promises as well as its heartache. But what at first appears to be a deliciously voyeuristic peek into other people’s most passionate moments, will ultimately reawaken your own desires and tenderness…because when you read these letters, you’ll find the heart you’re looking into is actually your own.
• "i think UR great. wanna have wine & Tequila again sometime?"
• "I can't believe you're real, and I think about you constantly in some way or the other all day. I haven't given the finger to anyone driving since I met you."
• "With you I learned how to fight cleaner, how to talk things out better, and how to make a strong loving family out of nothing. These are priceless gifts that I will carry with me the rest of my life. One more thing you did for me: you left, and I had to get through it."
• "P.S. I look forward to your letters too much to call. Also, where do you stand on chains?"
Product DetailsPublished on: 2007-10-30
Released on: 2007-10-30
Number of items: 1
Binding: Hardcover
192 pages
Editorial Reviews
"If I have learned only one thing from a) personal experience and b) Vivian Cash's fascinating memoir, I Walked the Line, it is this: No human can compose a love letter without seeming slightly insane. Love letters are like suicide notes -- if someone is in the emotional position to consider writing one, they're generally in the worst psychological position to make any cogent sense. That disconnect is what makes Other People's Love Letters: 150 Letters You Were Never Meant to See a painfully entertaining twelve-minute read. Edited by former Life magazine editor Bill Shapiro (and presented like Davy Rothbart's Found series), the book delivers exactly what it purports: random personal letters from people who are either wildly ecstatic or profoundly depressed over the condition of their romantic existence. (One of my favorite entries is from a person who just printed the word liar 183 consecutive times.) Judging from the contents of these notes, we appear to live in a society that is sex crazed and optimistic yet consumed with deep regret. This is probably true. Making matters all the more interesting is Shapiro's epilogue -- he contacts several of the contributors and finds out how the relationship worked out, postletter.”
—Esquire, Chuck Klosterman
“Bill Shapiro (Time Inc.'s development editor) collects extremely private correspondence, which he has amassed in Other People's Love Letters. The notes, e-mails, telegrams, and letters appear as copies of the originals, in all their faded, tearstained glory. The earliest examples come off as gorgeous and romantic, whether they're pages of elegant script or a few words scrawled on a cocktail napkin. E-mail seems to have had a decidedly negative effect on the art, if ''Am having terribly naughty thoughts again today, and I was wondering if you might want to hear about them'' is any indication. After compulsively flipping through to the last page, I have just one question: How did Shapiro get people to part with these?”
—Entertainment Weekly
“From the moment Bill Shapiro stumbled upon an old love letter that wasn’t his (it was an ode to his then girlfriend from some earlier man), he was hooked. His new book, Other People’s Love Letters, reprints 150 of the many hundreds he’s collected over the years. Strictly speaking, they’re not all declarations of love. Some are Dear Johns; others are postmortems of failed relationships. And not all of them are letters, in the stationary-and-envelope sense. They’re scrawled across postcards, crammed onto Post-its, scribbled on cocktail napkins and matchbooks. Some are old (Peter J. Dougherty, chief of police, to ‘dearest Lizzie,’ dated December 22, 1911); some are new (e-mails, text messages, more e-mails). Should going through them strike you as voyeuristic, beware. They’re addictive.”
—O Magazine
About the Author
Bill Shapiro is the former editor of LIFE magazine.
He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Customer Reviews
Fun read
i got this book for valentine's day and i found it really interesting. the best part is the descriptions at the end of what happened with the people who wrote and received the letters.
trust me, you'll/she'll/he'll love it!
I really enjoy this book. There is something both sweet and scandalous about the idea of reading snippets of other peoples' love letters. Each time I pick it up I find something new that I hadn't noticed the last time I read it. The imagination whirls wondering about the writers and the recipients. It's the perfect Valentines Day!
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