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How To Double Your Recovery Time After A Facelift

How To Double Your Recovery Time After A Facelift
By Tu Tran

Recovering from a facelift is a long and painful process. The pain and swelling can last from days to weeks. To ensure you recover quickly and effortlessly try to:

1. Exercise as much as possible.

Exercise will get your heart pumping and increase blood circulation throughout your body. After surgery, your can quickly build up clots and cause some areas of your body to be deprived of nutrients and oxygen because your body was resting for a long time.

2. Apply a cold pack to your face.

Following surgery, your face will look like an ugly, swollen watermelon. It is important to reduce swelling as soon as possible. Using cold therapy will reduce the flow of blood to the area by constricting the capillary vessels. The cold would also give the patient some pain relief because the nerve pain signals slows down and gives a relaxing and soothing feeling. Make sure you don't apply the ice pack for too long or it would cause a frostbite or 'freezeburn'. Apply for 20 minutes and then wait for 2 minutes, then reapply. Rinse and repeat until the patient feels comfortable.

3. Use a medical compression garment

Make sure you buy a medical compression garment made especially for your facelift. Do not buy any generic brand as it would cause friction on the healing skin.

4. Don't have hot showers

Having a hot shower would increase blood circulation and as a result, increase swelling of your face. Your face is still healing up, so it's best to avoid anything to decrease it.

5. Elevate Your Face

Make sure your face is always above the heart level. Gravity helps to remove any excess bodily fluids away from your face.

6. Have a good diet

Avoid anything that may dehydrate you. Therefore, avoid eating anything with too much salt and do not drink alcohol during your stay.

To Find out more ways you can double recovery time visit, a popular facelift website.

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