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Dandruff and Natural Ayurvedic Remedies

Dandruff and Natural Ayurvedic Remedies
By Gautama Swamy

That itchy scalp...with scales falling off, how embarrassing is it to scratch your head all the time and have that scaly white stuff all over your shirt or that beautiful dress? Well it is Dandruff!

Dandruff is a fungal growth on scalp, around eye brows , behind ears and sometimes on the chest. The clinical name for dandruff is seborrheic dermatiti. There could be many causes for Dandruff. Stress could be one of the reasons. When stressed you secrete a oily serum on the scalp which can aggrevate the dandruff condition. Other reasons could be not giving enough circulation to the scalp. It is very important to comb your hair everyday to regulate blood circulation to the scalp and activate the sebaceous glands.

There are many shampoos off the shelf which will only damage the hair and make it tough to manage. There is no real remedy for this most ignored problem suffered by nearly 55% of the worlds population. There are many natural remedies to prevent dandruff to some extent to avoid itchy scalp and the flaking of scalp.

Here are some natural remedies which when used consistently can prevent dandruff:

Massage your scalp with olive oil everyday for 10-15 minutes before taking shower. Continue this for as long as possible. This is a very effective method. You can also use coconut oil, almond oil or any Indian ayurveda herbal hair oils.

You can also rub your scalp with lemon juice after applying oil.

* Increase green leafy vegetables, salads, milk, fruits and sprouts in the diet. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, Soya beans, whole grains and nuts.These are just a few tips t get your scalp back on track.

Dandruff can be very uncomfortable lead to some ugly situations, these simple preventative measures can give you the extra confidence to hold your head and hair up high.

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