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Liposuction - Weigh the Benefits and Risks

By A Aaronson

Liposuction can greatly improve your life and self-image by removing stubborn fat from specific parts of the body. It is true that some fat resists exercise and healthy diet and the only way to get rid of it is to remove it with surgery. But, before you decide that this is the route for you, consider the benefits and the risks and complications that accompany the procedure.

The number one benefit of course is getting rid of that bulge that just won't budge. Or slimming the ankle or leg that won't shrink with leg lifts and jogging. But in getting rid of the extra bulges, you achieve the body image that you always dream of.

In this you get a reported huge boost to the self esteem. It is this increase in self confidence that projects outward, and friends, family and co-workers notice you smiling more and being a little more outgoing than before.

To get this great increase in self esteem and perhaps shapelier hips or legs, the risks of liposuction should also be reviewed. Some of these are infrequent and some are just rare occurrences, but need to be thought about when thinking about this surgery.

- Pulmonary Thromboembolism- This occurs when a blood clot forms at the surgical site and then travels up into the lungs. This can create serious problems, even death, and is a risk anytime surgery is performed.

- Fat Embolus- Like the blood clot, this collection of fat travels through the body and into the lungs. It is a rare occurrence, but a possibility and it affects the ability to breath. The use of smaller rods prevents this.

- Nerve Trauma- Permanent damage to the nerves during liposuction is possible but not likely. It can range from a tingling sensation to complete loss of feeling in the area. Some techniques carry a higher risk so discuss your options with the surgeon.

- Infection- As mentioned above, internal infection is possible, but external infection is also a risk. However, it is rare depending on the technique used so ask you surgeon about your options. Dirty surgical instruments also cause infection. This can be avoided by thoroughly researching the surgeon and the facility.

- Hematoma- Blood pools under the skin leaving a bruised appearance. If it does not dissolve, additional surgery may be necessary to correct it. The chances of this occurring increase with the technique used and when the liposuction is performed to excess.

- Drug Reactions- There are risks involved anytime anesthesia, whether local or general, is administered. Any pain medications prescribed after the procedure can cause complications as well. Always tell your doctor about any existing health problems and current medications you are taking to reduce your risk.

- Dimpled Skin- The use of large rods, or cannula, can cause the skin to appear uneven and puckered so smaller rods can prevent this. Discuss with your surgeon the size of the rods he will be using and why. Sometimes the only reason for using larger rods is to speed up the procedure.

Remember that risks are present during any surgical procedure. However, the chances of something happening during liposuction are very rare. The best way to reduce your risks is to research the procedure and to check out your surgeon's credentials. Make sure he has the right training and is experienced in your procedure. The work will be worth it when you are enjoying your new slimmer body.

In New Jersey, liposuction includes the newly developed liposcultpture techniques performed by Bergen County plastic surgery, Parker Center for Plastic Surgery. For the advanced lipoabdominoplasty, they offer procedure information and before and after pictures to help you make your decision.

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