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Signs of Poorly Done Face Lift - What Are The Signs of a Bad Facelift

Signs of Poorly Done Face Lift - What Are The Signs of a Bad Facelift
By Dr. Jim Greene

Due to the possibilities of complications as well as your choice of surgeons, you may run a chance of having a botched face lift. While this chance may be smaller than that of any possible complications, it is still a possibility. If you have a poorly done face lift, everyone will be able to tell almost immediately as you enter the room. Sometimes it can be so bad that people may even stare.

The point in having a face lift to begin with is to have a more youthful appearance, unfortunately, if the face lift is done poorly, you may end up with quite the opposite. It is not uncommon for a person who has a poorly done face lift to end up with an unnatural look. This comes from the skin being pulled too tightly and may sometimes be the fault of the surgeon taking cutting too much skin away at the pull points. This can happen at just one point, or in the cases of an uncertified plastic surgeon, all of the pull points may end up too tight and therefore not only having an unnatural look to it, your face may also appear to be too dry as well.

In general, there are 3 major pull points associated with a facelift. These pull points include the top of the scalp at the hairline as well as below the ears at the cheek bone. In the event that the face lift is performed poorly, the patient would end up loosing part, if not all of his or her earlobe. The reason for this is if the skin is pulled too tightly, the loose hanging skin of the earlobe is stretched across the area. Once again, this gives off a very unnatural look since not too many people are born without earlobes.

The truth is that a poorly done face lift can be avoided if you spend the time to ensure that you have a qualified surgeon who has a substantial amount of experience in face lifts. There are many plastic surgeons out there that specialize in only one or two types of procedures, while others will do just about any of them. The one who has more experience in face lifts and who is also the one who specializes in them is less likely to botch the surgery. Like any surgeon, you are not going to have a heart surgeon perform a brain surgery are you, then why not make sure you choose a specialist who knows face lifts.

Dr. Jim Greene would like to provide you with some GREAT RESOURCES regarding:

Face Lift

Face Lift Before After Pictures

Plastic surgery

The above resources are critical in your understanding of plastic surgery and surgery procedures. The resources will help you make a better informed decision about face lift surgery.

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